
Thursday, January 30, 2014

High Waisted Pants Make My Eyes Bleed!

I was watching Her the other night, and I sat there flabbergasted by the wardrobe.  Pants that were hitched up under the armpits. In the future. 
Ok, so maybe they weren't THAT high.  But man, were they high.

Come ON.

Throwback Thursday

I find the craziest photos in my laptop. I don't know what's going on here. I think I only braided the top of my hair to get the waves. It looks like I tried to get Lorde's signature curly locks and gave up. #tbt

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

My Most Favorite Beauty Tool!

Sephora Pro Lip Brush #81

I've really enjoyed applying lip color on with its soft bristles.  The lip product has gone on smoothly and evenly.  Sephora's customer reviews were pretty good, and people noted the quality of the bristles.  I just started using it so I can't comment on the longevity of the fibers. What I was excited about was the cover for the brush!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Never Go to Sleep With Wet Hair Again!

When I read all the positive reviews on the Aquis Essentials Microfiber Hair Towel, I had to try it for myself.  I have a ton of hair, and it takes forever to dry.  I try to avoid blowdrying to prevent any further damage to my poor locks (I've subjected it to many perms and dyes.)  The allure of a super-absorbent and gentle towel got me buying the product STAT.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Everyone Loves Lupita Nyong'o and Jennifer Lawrence Talks about Her Armpit Vaginas

I was so thrilled that Lupita Nyong'o won the SAG Award for Best Supporting Actress!  I voted for her, and I believe she totally deserved the honor.  

In a previous post, I had written about the Q+A's I attended for the possible SAG nominees.  I completely forgot to write about the 12 Years a Slave Q+A with the eloquent Lupita! I have no idea why.  That movie tore me to bits emotionally. I felt livid, devastated, sorrowful...the entire gamut of feelings. It was a roller coaster ride, and Nyong'o was amazing.

Acting Updates

Another week begins! Last week, I booked my 1st voiceover job through an agent. And had callbacks for 2 roles in a commercial. I didn't book it, but I'm feeling the momentum. Thanks for your cheers + inspiration. Enjoy your MLK Day -it's a great day commemorating timeless values.

Just a reminder....

Martin Luther King Day, Jr. Day of Service

For many, MLK Day is a day off. But this organization makes it a day ON. The Corporation for National and Community Service encourages us to take this day as an opportunity for Americans to honor Dr. King's legacy through service. Volunteer for a project or create your own here!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Lemon for Tea, Lemon for Eyes!

I'm feeling a tad bit under the weather.  When I feel the impending doom of illness, I go straight for my tea and Vitamin C.

And a good combination of that is hot tea and lemon.
I like to squeeze lemon juice into my tea and other drinks.  But I'm not a fan of submerging the entire lemon in the liquid. 

It got me thinking that I could use the squeezed lemon slivers on my eyes.  There's still some juice in that lemon flesh, right?

Did you know that lemons combat wrinkles and brighten under the eyes?  The lemon juice gets rid of dead skin cells, which decreases the appearance of lines. And the vitamin C naturally brightens.

So perhaps you don't have to recycle lemons like I do, but you can place fresh lemons cut into half-moons under the eyes.  According to US Weekly, skincare expert Mila Moursi,whose clients include Sandra Bullock, recommends leaving the slivers on for 15 minutes a day.  It is also supposed to lighten other dark blemishes on the skin.

If you don't want to put lemons directly on your face like this woman....
you can use fresh lemon juice (not the bottled kind, which may contain chemical that are harmful to your skin).  You may also dilute the lemon juice with water if you have sensitive skin.  Use a cotton swab to apply onto desire area.

I'm on the SAG Awards Nominating Committee? Who ME?

I'm a member of SAG-AFTRA, and the union offers the opportunity for you to be on the SAG Awards Nominating Committee.  It's a random drawing sample of 2200 members, who review For Your Consideration materials and vote on the nominees.  

The For Your Consideration materials may be DVD screeners, iTunes digital screeners, and screenings in theaters.  Receiving the DVDs in the mail is pretty exciting. I love snail mail, so this phase felt like Christmas. Every day, I was getting DVDs and promotional items.  As a paid-up member of the union, you receive some of these materials after the nominations and during the actual SAG Awards voting period. I will admit that it was awesome being able to watch the movies early though.

The August: Osage County package even included a pop-up doll house. I did feel slightly bad about the  waste from the cardboard and brochures sent out to us. 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

How to Get Scuff Marks Off Patent Leather

I got black scuff marks on my nude pumps, and I was curious about how to remove the UGLY.

After some quick internet research, I tried a couple of suggestions.

1)  I took a regular eraser to the smudges.  Sites suggest rubbing only in one direction, but I went crazy going back and forth.  Most of the marks came off with just the eraser.

2)  Next, I took a q-tip dipped in rubbing alcohol and wiped at the remaining scuff marks. It totally did the trick. I also used it on some scuff marks that I hadn't erased, and the alcohol actually seemed more effective than the eraser.

3)  I used tissue smeared with some petroleum jelly, and it was just ok.  Even if the petroleum jelly is not used to clean up the scuff marks, it's an excellent way to polish up the patent leather after rubbing off the scuff marks. It brings back the shininess to the surface.

Here are some other methods that I didn't try:

*Use non-acetone nail polish remover with a cotton ball to polish off the marks. (I get really paranoid that using nail polish remover would damage the color or surface so I opted out of this recommendation.)

*Mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda with warm water on a cloth. Scrub the stains.

*Use dish soap and water on a cloth to rub the scuff marks.

Tried any of the above solutions?  Do you have your own?  

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Week in Pics!

I don't know if you could tell by the rampant social media posts....but it snowed!  This is one of my favorite buildings in New York City: the Ansonia.  It makes me smile every time I see it.

I know these magazines are trashy, but they help a sister out on the Stair Master. Time just whizzes by when your nose is in the ridiculous drama of celebrities.  And Tori, if it's true, I'm so sorry you're dealing with that BS. :(

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

theSkimm: The Easy + Quick Way to Understand the News

Welcome to...

It's described as "the daily newsletter that simplifies the headlines for the educated professional who knows enough to know she needs more. We do the reading for you and explain it with fresh editorial content, breaking down what you need to know to start the conversation."

theSkimm reads more like an Elle Woods' courtroom argument than the actual news.  

Examples of language from yesterday's Skimm include an ecstatic "Hooray!" and a reference to the Senate being "in sesh". 

The writing may make sense since the founders of this company are two women in their 20s. But before you scoff at the material presented, know that these young ladies were also producers for NBC news-working in breaking news, political news, and documentaries. 

Sure, the "simplified" version of the news is targeted toward women. But I'm not offended that a Skimm breaks down the headlines for us. I actually find the literary style helps me understand what's going on in the world. Which is theSkimm's goal.  To keep us reading and informed without the frustration of deciphering convoluted news stories.  It's written in a familiar and relatable tone that I'm certain even men would enjoy.

So what are you waiting for?  Sign up at theSkimm to receive your daily e-mail newsletter and catch up with what's going on in the world!

Their tweets are pretty entertaining and informative, too.
Follow @theskimm to get in on the fun.

Monday, January 13, 2014

How to Be "Gladiators in Suits"

If you've been watching Scandal, you can't help but notice the amazing job that the costume designer Lyn Paolo does on the show. The obvious fashion icon is star Olivia Pope, whose real life alter-ego Kerry Washington was given the honor of World's Best Dressed Woman by People Magazine.  However, one can't overlook the flawless shirt and tie combinations that character Harrison Wright wears so well.

Highlights at the 2014 Golden Globes

Not only was Jennifer Lawrence a winner at the Golden Globes (Best Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture), she made a lot of Best Dressed lists with her "stunning Dior gown." However, I didn't think the bottom black strap really did much for the dress. Not a horrible dress. Just disappointing because you know so many people were looking forward to see what this "girl on fire" was going to be wearing.

 Various websites commented on how unusual the dress was...I didn't think it was cutting edge fashion. It looks like just another belt was added. Under the butt. A scary place to cinch a dress with a strap. What do you think? 

East Coast vs. West Coast Boobs - I Mean, News.

My friend in LA texted me the other day: "My mom just called NBC complaining about the weather girl's big boobs."  

I laughed out loud.  Living in LA, I totally remember being shocked by how the female newscasters and weather forecasters dressed.  I had never seen that before.  They were delivering news while they looked like they were about to hit a Vegas night club. 

I sensed a difference in the general trend between East Coast and West Coast news in regard to wardrobe and cup size.  Let me know if you think I'm onto something here.

Here is Christina Park of New York's Fox 5 News (left) and Sharon Tay of LA's CBS News. 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Is the Pomsky the Unicorn of Dogs?

I received this photo from my friend Kathy yesterday, and yes, I did want to cry.

Could this be true? A NYC apartment-friendly cutie patootie that looks like a puppy all of its life?

Then I thought about the breeding. Ah! I always wonder how they get super odd pairings together (a Pomeranian with a Husky! It's like Shaq and that one girlfriend he had...)

Oh yes, her.

I also worry about what possible health problems may be created for these little guys. :(

Then, I ran across this web page that stated that the photo is actually one of a Finnish Lapphund puppy.  A what?  I had no idea, but the breed sounded big.

Eh, not too big.  This type of dog is a medium breed of the Spitz family.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Late Night Organization Urge

I feel like the key for me is to be able to see everything.  Unfortunately, my husband is all about keeping things out of view.  Let's see what the compromise will be. 

After some organizing, I hope to watch my screener of Gravity!  It's almost SAG Awards voting time for me!

New Trend Alert: Cool or Disgusting?

According to 95.7's KJR's Facebook page, this is the new trend going on in Portland.  Who knows if it's a real trend there (I think people just like to pick on Portland). I wonder what it looks like when he smiles.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Flashback Friday: Perm Nightmare!

This #flashbackFriday serves as a PSA to just say no to really bad perms. It seemed only like yesterday when my friend Joni convinced me to get my hair done in Chinatown. My hair broke off when I brushed it.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Feeling a Little Green

I'm a huge believer in using up the things you already have...however, I am not the best at adhering to this belief. Therefore, I am revisiting my kinda-sorta resolution this year. So I unpacked my Caboodles and started playing!

Obviously, you should not use makeup (especially eye makeup!) that is expired. I'm pretty sure the Revlon ColorStay palette in Spring Moss on the left is way overdue for the trash, but it came in handy today. Oh well. The lighter MAC shadow is Swimming, and the other darker color is Knight Divine. I used everything except that 3rd Revlon in a khaki color.

It felt like a Terry Richardson photo shoot up in my room. Minus all the creepy sexual overture. Because it was just me.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Skoshbox - Monthly Subscription of Japanese Snacks!

image via

If you adore the cute packaging and interesting flavors of Japanese snacks, sign up to get them sent to your door for only $12 a month (shipping included)!  Skoshbox was the #1 rated subscription box on Buzz Feed.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Week(s) in Pics!

Holiday cheer began with a Christmas Tree Ornament Party. This is at someone's house, and they actually prepared the food!  I was impressed. 

We went to a super fun Russian engagement party.  Look at Andrew getting down in the dancing circle.  Clap, clap, clap!

I've been noticing how huge hands look in my phone pics. Check them mitts out!

I spent a pre-Christmas week with my mom in Georgia. Then it was off to Connecticut to spend time with my husband's side of the family.  

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Steel Cut Oats = High in Calories?

So I was super excited to eat my steel cut oats and coconut sugar before my workout. Then I looked at the directions on the container, and it takes more than 30 mins to cook. And if you don't babysit it, you've got loogies galore. On top of that, my husband says, "You know those oats have a lot of calories, right?" Lo' and behold, I just made 600 calories worth of oats. 1/4 cup = 150 calories. I could have eaten a McDonald's bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich for 460 calories. I know that the sandwich has other not-so-healthy stuff in it. But...but...what is going on here? Please help me understand.

Friday, January 3, 2014


I can't believe 2013 is over! Scanning my phone pics from the past couple of weeks, I see dog sleds, bob sleds, a pee-pee snowman, beautiful friends and family, and fisting cream (there's an explanation for this, I swear). I look forward to sharing them soon!